Sunday, November 28, 2010

Obama to donate Peace Prize money among charities

President Barack Obama announced that he plans to spread the money that accompanies his Nobel Peace Prize among 10 different charities.
Obama was awarded the prize based on the hope that his presidency would bring about a change in American foreign policy, had decided soon after being notified of the award that he would donate the $1.4 million award to charity.
The prize money would be distributed amongst non-profit organization which include organization that provides housing for families of those receiving medical care at major military and Veterans Affairs medical centers. Obama will also give to an organization dedicated to the long term relief and rebuilding of Haiti massive earthquake that devastated the country. Much of the rest of the award will go to boosting college education scholarship funds. Obama also awarded $100,000 each to two charities working in Africa and Central.
The other, the Central Asia Institute, promotes literacy and education, primarily for girls, in remote regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. One of the institute’s co-founders was also a nominee for the Nobel Prize that Obama won.

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